- February 25, 2018
- Posted by: Anish
- Category: Feed

Ayurveda one of the world’s oldest forms of medicine, is a 5,000-year-old medicinal system originating from India meaning “life-knowledge”. Nestling herbal healing derived from the Hindu culture, Ayurvedic medicine concentrates on health and wellness by harmonizing the mind, body, and spirit. Ayurveda is witnessing a resurgence in India and around the globe. It advocates preventive healthcare methods of treatment; it is not a system of medicine, but a science of life and longevity.
Indian Ayurveda is a well-known system of Hindu traditional medicine of Vedic tradition, and a form of the alternative medicine. Some of the most renowned Ayurvedic texts include the Charaka Saṃhitā and Suśrutha Saṃhita. These Sanskrit texts are among the foundational compiled works of Ayurveda that helps know the history of Ayurveda. Ayurveda is a science that considers the patient and provides the unequaled methods of making him/ her perfectly healthy. Apart from nature, survival of humans will become impossible within a few decades from now.
Here we have listed out the common features and ayurvedic medicinal benefits: Helps in preventing diabetes; in lowering high blood pressure; cleanses the body; building Immunity; reducing Stress; Helps reduce insomnia; Healthy and Glowing Skin.
Latin America is also posting a growing demand for Herbal products with countries like Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico posting a value growth (2017) in this sector at 26%, 2%, 5% & 8% respectively. Due to current technology, higher education levels, exposition to mass media and being more open minded, young local consumers are not reticent about trying products composed of natural components. Furthermore, they understand both the benefits and disadvantages between standard and traditional products.
In 2017, Top MNC’s in Latin America such as Mondelez, Alimentos Dos en Uno, Herbalife International do Brasil, Arcor SAIC led herbal/traditional products across Mexico, Chile, Brasil, and Argentina respectively.
The National Drink of Argentina, “Yerba Mate” with benefits such as high anti-oxidants, vitamins & minerals rich, energising effects, helps in lowering bad cholesterol among many others and widely consumed in the country as a healthier substitute. Argentine companies are to introduce Yerba Mate to the Indian markets.
Ayurveda’s rich heritage and recognition as an alternative system of medicine in developed countries provides a good foundation to set an ambitious growth goal defined by increasing market share, customer access and profitability across global markets. As per the EXIM Bank Report, The Herbal Product Market represents USD 80 billion industry as of 2016 growing at a CAGR of 7% and has the potential to become an impressive USD 6 trillion by 2050. The Indian Herbal Market stands at USD 655 million as of now with exports of USD 68 million and a potential to reach USD 1.1 billion by 2020.
Various Indian Ayurvedic Companies such as Dabur, Emami, Patanjali, Sri Sri Tattva, Dr. Vaidya’s, VLCC are eyeing big on the Indian as well as the overseas market such as the Latin America (Americas). The FY17 revenue details posted by Patanjali were nearly 1/3rd of the major FMCG giant HUL at US $2 Billion as compared to HUL’s US $6 Billion. Moreover, with Sri Tattva now planning to open more than 1000 stores in India in 2018 and going overseas to markets such as Latin America, Russia and Middle-east signifies the growing demand of herbal products.
Ayurveda and herbal products have gone from being treated with suspicion to gaining wider acceptance especially by young consumers. Companies have been able to build strong brands using the success of YOGA globally has given a fillip to all things natural and Indian.
All the facts presented above provides a fair picture of the benefits of herbal products and the growing market share of India and Latin America in the same which signifies a lot of underlying and unexplored business opportunities for companies and individuals looking to invest in the herbal market space.
“When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.”
A Herbal Proverb